Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Day in the Life of Campbell: Day 5 Play

Today we took Baby Bug to the Mississippi Children's Museum! Oh my goodness it was such fun!! 
Any child from probably about 15 months and up could really enjoy this Mississippi themed museum geared toward kids. 

The areas include a train station with small toys and a whole track that highlights the hotspots of central Mississippi like the capital, the river, and some of the major highways, 
A water area where you can make and race boats, fish for catfish and learn about water transportation, a home living area where you can cook, do the dishes, wash clothes and Campbell's favorite, sweep up! There is also a whole area that is made to look like the library featured on the hit PBS show originally from Mississippi, Between the Lions. There is a giant interactive play area where you can learn about the human body, a playground with climbing features and slides built to look like a fishing boat, a huge scrabble board, an art and music studio, and tons of other cool areas! 

I love that even at 19 months (as of yesterday) Campbell could really enjoy the fun but that as I walked around I could see things he will enjoy as an older child too and that I will be able to incorporate into our home school learning. Anyone working on a Mississippi industry, arts, or history unit as well as those studying language and grammar could plan a whole day of interactive learning here!! 

I know I sound like an ad for this place but it really did exceed my expectations! And the staff was all very present and helpful!

It was so much fun to see Campbell enjoy everything. At one point he literally was running around screaming with glee!! I don't think he had ever been anywhere with so much excitement all in one place. But he was very well behaved, too. We commented afterwards that he never really pitched a fit or was ugly at all as we transitioned him from place to place. Other than trying to eat the paint in the art area we didn't have any real mishaps.  What a precious little guy we have. 

My favorite part of the day was playing in the Hide and Seek forest with Cliff. He got down on his hands and knees and crawled around hiding behind corners to jump out and scare Bug as he and I navigated our way through the forest maze! What an awesome Dada he is!! Campbell loved it!! It was so much fun to see them interact and to watch Cliff enjoy playing with his son with out worry or care for who might be watching. I loved it! 

This whole day made us realize we really don't have a baby anymore but rather a big toddler who can play with the best of them. We decided we are going to try to do some sort of fun outing for the family every week and at least once a month do a bigger thing like this. 

I never realized how much fun it could be to watch a child play until I've had the joy of watching Bug. Seeing him experience things for the first time and have so much fun as he learns makes my heart smile.

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